Ryan Payne

Ryan Payne

Ryan Payne

The Word Slam App

SAT Word Slam is the best learning platform for studying SAT Words. I designed the application to deliver analytics data back to the user. The user gives the application feedback through gamification. The platform uses statistical modeling to shuffle cards. I created the user interface for their new app while preserving their brand identity.

NoStress App

NoStress is a utility application that helps the user monitor their garden. The app goal is to make the process of logging data fun and easy. Reproducing results in hydroponic gardening is directly related to the data; thus making you a better gardener.

Music Stream

Music Stream is an application that allows the user to stream their music directly from a computer to their mobile device. The purpose of this application is to help one share and discover new music. Our task was to design a rich and engaging app which captured the spirit of their business as well as the user's attention.

Accushot 22 is not only focused on being one of the top skill training devices  but also to be the leader in sports analytics skill training products. One such product is the Accushot App. The Accushot App will include gamification which allows users to interact with one another via competitive gaming. The skill training videos and one-on-one tutorials will feature "legends of the game" players and coaches that will boost the effectiveness of a users skill level.


Wireframing is about creating an image of a product which encapsulates the user experience.