Ryan Payne

Ryan Payne


This desktop application

I found it was easier to access the Tinder app on the computer rather than only using the phone application.


This iPhone application

Accushot is not only focused on being one of the top skill training devices used today but, even more so, being the leader in sports analytics skill training products.


This iPhone application

We relied on extensive user testing in the creation of the Word Slam application. We were lucky because it was an application already on the market and had shown some popularity.


This iPhone application

Trust is the new currency in our life today. So like everything else we value, our trust must be protected.


This iPhone application

JDate is a social networking dating application that aims to bring Jewish singles together in hopes of strengthening both their community and traditions.

MyGarden app

This iPhone application

MyGarden is a tool that helps you plan your garden visually and interactively by allowing you to draw on a knowledge base that will tell you when it’s optimal to plant, harvest, and sprout seeds.

NoStress app

This iPhone application

NoStress is a start up company that believes growing your own fruits and vegetables is a way of life.


Website for desktop

I created this site for people to get a sense of my visual aesthetic.