Ryan Payne

The Word Slam SAT App

User testing the SAT Word Slam application resulted in some major findings.


  • I found the users really liked the SAT application, but the application was cumbersome in it's visual aesthetics thus making it challenging to use.
  • Users seem to be put off by colors of the previous SAT Word Slam application red, yellow, blue and green were not aligning with their visual aesthetic.
  • Even though the users felt like they were making progress in their learning they also felt there should be a way to measure results and progress while using the application.
  • Although users really enjoyed the rhymes and limericks inside of the application, some questioned the difference between using this application and using standard flashcards.




I took what I learned from our user testing and brainstormed some actionable solutions in my low fidelity wireframes.


  • I decided to simplify the layout of the app to make it less cumbersome for the users and the application developers.
  • Since the logo of the application is so bright and vibrant I chose not to add anymore color to the app.
  • I designed a simple chart that would let the user see their progress and monitor their learning.
  • I designed a gamifacation feature where the user taps the color on the screen to indicate the users comfort level with the word that is being shown. The application then sorts the words based on the users comfort level. If the user indicates that they are having a difficult time learning the word the app will add the word more frequently.




The SAT Word Slam™ app uses humor, rhyming poems, and mnemonic (memory) clues to teach you hundreds of critical  SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, and TOEFL words.


FEATURED on the App Store in "What's Hot," "New and Noteworthy," and the EDUCATION COLLECTIONS: "Test Prep" and "Exam Time." Also chosen by Apple to be a Demo App in Apple Retail Stores.


Winner of Common Sense Media's 2013 ON For Learning Award! Chosen as one of the 50 best apps, games, and websites for education.


In all, I tested 25 users for this application.


Word Slam, User Experience User Interface Designer


Adept at delivering high-quality interfaces by applying proven design principles obtained from experience, industry convention, and scientific research. Usability work includes task and object analysis, card sorts, heuristic evaluations, user profiles, personas, scenarios, and others.  Produce wireframes, mock-ups, task flows, and UI specifications as needed to assist with business socialization and approval, as well as implementation and testing.